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Black and white reprint of large panorama photograph taken from railway bridge across Mississippi River in Carleton Place circa 1905. Photograph features photographer standing on bridge, the Methodist Church, Boulton-Brown Grist Mill, the Town Hall, Gillies and McLaren Saw Mill (Canada Lumber Company), and a large elm tree. Photograph also shows how water in river was diverted for the mills. Original is found at National Archives C-001343.
Item Description

Black and white reprint of large panorama photograph taken from railway bridge across Mississippi River in Carleton Place circa 1905. Photograph features photographer standing on bridge, the Methodist Church, Boulton-Brown Grist Mill, the Town Hall, Gillies and McLaren Saw Mill (Canada Lumber Company), and a large elm tree. Photograph also shows how water in river was diverted for the mills. Original is found at National Archives C-001343.

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